Jobless in Malaga Province reaches 190,000 « Euro Weekly News

Jobless in Malaga Province reaches 190,000

FOR the first time, the number of people out of work in Malaga Province has risen above 190,000, according to the Ministry of Employment.

In February, unemployment rose by 1,135 people, to 190,636 people.

However, this is relatively good news, as in January, unemployment rose by 5,788 people and in the months before that by an average of 4,000, except in December when it experienced a slight drop.

Most of the 1,135 who have recently registered as unemployed have had no previous work in Spain (1,041) while the rate of unemployment has fallen a little in the construction and industry sectors.

In the whole of Andalucia, unemployment rose by 14,086 people, to 944,707, of which 476,215 are women, and 111,116 are under the age of 25.

Compared to the same month last year, unemployment has risen by 61,840 people.

The Andalucia province where unemployment rose most in February was in Jaen, with 11.40 per cent.

Unemployment in Andalucia rose in all sectors, mainly amongst those with no prior employment (4,673 people), services (4,006) and farming (3,952), while the least affected were industry and construction.

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