Mojacar party calls for cleaner politics « Euro Weekly News

Mojacar party calls for cleaner politics

WITH the upcoming elections, ‘Mojacar Positiva Se Mueve’ has called for common sense to be used in keeping the town clean.

Every time elections are held, for months afterwards, campaign posters and other items remain falling apart on the walls, giving a very poor image, they say.

The party has called for a ‘clean campaign’ in all respects, and hopes that all parties will clean up after themselves after the elections are over.

They are also asking that parties use clean campaigning media such as adverts in the press, radio, at bus stops and billboards, none of which create such a mess as flyers or posters.

Their plan is to sign an agreement in which all parties promise to remove any refuse after the elections are over, with fines for those who fail to abide by this.

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