30 youths treated for carnival binge drinking « Euro Weekly News

30 youths treated for carnival binge drinking

THERE were 30 recorded cases of alcohol poisoning at Pego’s Carnival over the weekend, according to reports. Although the number of cases was less than previous years – which in some cases has exceeded 70 – what was surprising was that the majority of victims were minors.

The ages ranged between 16 and 24, in the case of older youngsters.

Mayor Carmelo Ortola lamented that minors were “too easily able to access alcohol” from locals that should not “be supplying alcohol to minors.”

The carnival was a huge success with more than 20,000 people attending.

All cases of alcohol poisoning are treated at the special recovery ‘hospital’ tent installed next to the health centre, installed by the town hall during festivals.

Here, beds and blankets are provided for people who show symptoms of extreme intoxication to rest until they are recovered and can get home on their own.

“This was implemented because in the past there were accidents that could have been avoided if the people had had time to recover from their over indulgence in alcohol.”



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