Valencia’s Bonfire Injuries « Euro Weekly News

Valencia’s Bonfire Injuries

RED CROSS units were as usual kept busy during the celebrations of the traditional Nit del Foc in Valencia last Friday. A total of 65 people required attendance, mostly for fainting, though five of those assisted were evacuated to hospitals. Still the figure for those needing assistance was ten lower than the previous year.

In total, 26 people fainted, 14 required assistance for what was euphemistically termed by the red Cross as suffering  “a foreign body to the eye” for which read being hit in the eye by a firework or explosion, seven suffered bruising, five actual burns, and the rest unspecified.

In total, the ambulance and support and co-ordination presence on the night comprised twenty vehicles, and eighty nine other dedicated emergency and support workers.

Picture Credit: baldheretic


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