€36m five-star hotel planned in El Ejido « Euro Weekly News

€36m five-star hotel planned in El Ejido

THE Junta de Andalucia has awarded a grant to promoter Splash International 21 SL to build a five-star hotel in El Ejido. This was revealed by the Junta which approved the grant for funds provided by the central government for tourism initiatives in three towns in Andalucia – El Ejido, Granada and Ecija – worth €4m.

These grants intend to promote business development and prevent territorial disadvantages.

Meaning that within a few years, a new 299-room hotel could open in the town, which also has the Hotel Golf Almerimar, another five-star, currently undergoing refurbishment.

The €35.9 million hotel, of which 10 per cent will be covered by the grant, will create 46 jobs, official sources said.

The hotel will include health and beauty facilities such as baths and a sauna, indoor pool, hydromassage area and games zone.

However, the exact location is not yet known, and neither is the starting date for building.


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