Man cuts off finger at Aviles City Hall « Euro Weekly News

Man cuts off finger at Aviles City Hall

A MAN hacked off his finger with an axe at Aviles City Hall – in northern Spain – because he was not received by a local councillor.
The 46-year-old local man requested to speak to a member of the council regarding the ownership of a bar, and was taken instead to the mayor’s office, where he cut off his finger with an axe which he had been hiding.
He received First Aid at the scene from police and was taken to hospital. According to the city hall, the bar which he was asking about has received numerous complaints from local residents, and carried out works which were later deemed illegal.
It was closed, and required to take corrective measures in order to resume its activity. However, the owners broke the seal on the establishment without permission, and complaints were received from neighbours, so it was closed once again.
Having solved most of the problems, the ownership of the bar was being changed and an opening license is due to be granted.
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