750,000 signatures against evictions - Spain News « Euro Weekly News

750,000 signatures against evictions – Spain News

THE Mortgage Victims’ Group (PAH) has obtained enough signatures to force Parliament to consider changing laws regarding evictions.

The group has collected more than 750,000 signatures which means it can demand that the draft being prepared in Parliament include a Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP).

The initiative demands the possibility of a delay on all evictions when it is the full-time home of the affected family, and not only in certain cases defined by EU legislation.

It also demands social rent on all empty homes which are owned by banks, not only the current 6,000, and allowing homeowners who cannot afford their mortgage to hand over the deeds of their home to the bank as payment.

The group is hoping to get more than a million signatures in total, as they have added those collected by unions, the 15-M movement and other protests.

They promise to hold the members of parliament who directly oppose their demands responsible for the suffering of evicted families and increase social protests.


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