A fierce fighting bull « Euro Weekly News

A fierce fighting bull

FITTING FINISH: At an Andalucian farm.

A GRAND tour celebrating 50 years of the Lambourghini Miura somewhat surprisingly finished up on an Andalucian farm. After 12 months of touring Europe’s glamour spots, from Monte Carlo to Madrid, the tour rolled to a stop at a renowned but off-the-beaten track bull-breeding farm in the Spanish hinterlands. 

It would be surprising if not for the interesting fact that Miura is actually the word used to describe a fierce fighting bull from the famous ranch. The farm is owned by the sons of a man who inspired the great Ferruccio Lamborghini to call his new model the Miura and make 50 years of motoring history while he was at it. 

Produced between 1966 and 1973 the Miura was the fastest production car in history when first unleashed in the new sports car era. It was one of the first cars to trailblaze the mid-engined two-seat layout and became a global phenomenon after starring in the opening credits to The Italian Job in 1969. 

As well as the grand tour, 2016 also saw the release of the Aventador Miura Homage. The Miura bulls of Andalucia are said to be intelligent, fierce, and overwhelmingly powerful. A fitting name then if ever there was one. 


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