‘Trophy’ wolf on the back of park rangers’ vehicle in Spain causes outrage « Euro Weekly News

‘Trophy’ wolf on the back of park rangers’ vehicle in Spain causes outrage

JUAN LOPEZ DE URALDE, the deputy for the Podemos party in Álava, Spain has blasted the actions of forest rangers in the principality of Asturias, taking to his Twitter account to share a photo of a dead wolf tied with rope to a forest ranger’s car in Spain.
According to López de Uralde, forest rangers killed the wolf on Tuesday morning and later fixed the animal by the legs to the spare wheel on the back of their official off-road vehicle.
The photo was snapped when the rangers entered a bar in Pola de Allande, leaving the animal’s corpse tied to their car for all to see.
López de Uralde has blasted the actions, claiming the ranger responsible was parading the animal in order to “let everyone see his ‘feat’.”
He added: “I see this and I feel ashamed of my country.”
The photo has since gone viral on social media causing outrage among waves of Twitter users.
One user, Jose Luis Gallego (@ecogallego) wrote: “Pitiful, outrageous and intolerable image.”
Twitter user Javier (@topijero) wrote: “At what level of brutalization have we arrived?”
And @amaab548 described the image as: “Pitiful and shameful. A deplorable and unprofessional image. So sad…”
The Professional Association of Agents of the Natural Environment of the Principality of Asturias (AGUMNPA) responded to the criticism of their forest rangers, stating the incident was “unfortunate”:
“Public officials cannot act as animals displaying dead animals. This happens in an administration without direction, where there is not a single protocol or work guidelines “.
It is legal to kill wolves in some areas in Asturias in order to protect farm lands.

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