Jeremy Clarkson calls Greta Thunberg a ‘spoilt brat’ and gets expertly destroyed by his daughter

Outspoken Jeremy Clarkson has called in his newspaper column young climate activist Greta Thunberg a ” spoilt brat” 

Although Clarkson’s own daughter steamed back at her father on twitter tweeting in reply to comedian John Bishop a Greta supporter “Wouldn’t it be nice if all middle-aged blokes could talk to and about Greta, the ballsy apt teenager out there changing the world”
Father Clarkson then threw back tweeting “Wouldn’t it be nice if she learned some manners”
But Emily Clarkson wasn’t having anything of it her father who replied “A woman doesn’t need to be polite to make a point” in her tweet.
Emily then went on a twitter rampage whilst her Father actually for once was silenced with the majority of twitter users agreeing with young Emily!
