It’s not rocket science! 

Crocs should be illegal! Picture credit: Facebooki

I have an Amazon account with £100 credit on it. I don’t use the UK site much, as if I need anything, it’s cheaper to get it delivered from obviously. 

So I contacted them, which is no easy thing. I’m going to go off at a tangent here
Why is 
it so difficult to speak to anyone from any large company? It’s almost impossible these days. You get offered so many different ways to contact them. The one that bugs me most is FAQ. Am I really the only person that wants to know about this problem? Then being asked did this help…? No, it didn’‘cos you didn’t answer my question. 

Anyway, I did, after many attempts, get a response to my question which was can I transfer my £100 credit to After all, I sign in with the same email address and password so they know it’s me. They even email me to tell me I’ve logged on to another Amazon site. The answer was- no you can’t, end of. I tried to contact them again to ask why, considering the size of the company and the things they can do, including have driverless cars, but I got no further response.  

Surely it’s not rocket science to let me use my 100 quid on any Amazon site Im on?

I was very pleased that my daughter, Dr S, came to visit for a couple of weeks. When I collected her from the airport there was no cuddle and we both sat in the car with our masks on and for five or six days she didn’t even give her daddy a kiss. We had a fabulous couple of weeks and when she went home on Saturday MrS made her a packed lunch as we were not sure if there would be food available at the airport or on the plane. 

In her lunch pack was a metal fork and there was a long discussion on the security implications and how would she eat it if they confiscated the ‘weapon. Anyway, she boarded and sent us a text that no-one at security was interested in her fork but they did make her take off her sandals and Im talking about wafer thin almost flip-floppy type of things and x-ray them. Nice to see that airport security hasn’t lost its priorities. I could understand if they were crocs. Anybody wearing them should be arrested immediately 

Written by

Mike Senker

Grumpy Old Man Mike Senker provokes laughter and some groans with his spot on observations of life in the modern age.
