Queen Sofia of Spain dresses down and cleans up on beach trip « Euro Weekly News

Queen Sofia of Spain dresses down and cleans up on beach trip

QUEEN Sofia of Spain, shocked those participating in a beach clean up on Saturday, September 19, in Rincon de la Victoria by turning up in comfortable work clothes and wearing a face mask to get stuck in with the rest of them.

Upon her arrival, those responsible for the “1 metro cuadrado por las playas y los mares” campaign, the LIBERA Project, explained to Doña Sofía the reason behind the initiative and supplied her with rubber gloves and rubbish bags.

Carrying two bags of different colours to classify the waste, Queen Sofiawalked along the beach, stopping to pick up the rubbish that she found in her path and deposit it in the bags.

One of those in the group, Óscar Martín, CEO of Ecoembes, stated that “once again, the Queen has shown great interest and concern about the amount of waste that the sea has washed ashore”.

According to Martín, Doña Sofía expressed her “enormous concern about ending this problem” and about the appearance among the waste “of masks, gloves and wipes” a sign of current times during the health crisis.

He also pointed out that it is the third consecutive time that Queen Sofia has helped out in the collection.

Nieves Rey, Communication Director of Ecoembes, also participated in the event, and said that Queen Sofia is “tremendously aware of the problem and wants to be part of the solution, to set an example as one more volunteer and take care of the beaches so that the ecosystem is the best it can be.”

At the end of the tour, Doña Sofía also learned about the Marnoba mobile application, which indicates the collected waste and was interested in the origin of the nets that divers use to collect rubbish on the seabed.

“There was a group of women netters who were unemployed. We have given them a job and a craft that was being lost and brought it back to life, that of netting. With the nets that were previously used to fish, they are now used to gather floating waste,” explained Antonio Márquez, coordinator of the Network of Marine Watchers.

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Damon Mitchell

From the interviewed to the interviewer

As frontman of a rock band Damon used to court the British press, now he lives the quiet life in Spain and seeks to get to the heart of the community, scoring exclusive interviews with ex-pats about their successes and struggles during their new life in the sun.

Originally from Scotland but based on the coast for the last three years, Damon strives to bring the most heartfelt news stories from the spanish costas to the Euro Weekly News.

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