Pet shop in Madrid denounced for possible crime of animal abuse

Pet shop in Madrid denounced for possible crime of animal abuse

Toilet where animals are stored

Toilet where animals are stored Credit: AnimaNaturalis

A CHAIN of Spanish pet shops has Madrid store denounced to Seprona for possible crime of animal abuse.

An anonymous person has alerted the animal protection organisation to the state of the animals in a pet shop located in Madrid.

They claim that animals arrive when they are far too young, are small in size, often malnourished and many are sick causing their eventual death

It is further alleged that the areas where these sick animals are placed in quarantine are unventilated bathrooms or small storage rooms, they have no sunlight, they are not cleaned daily, some of them have no artificial light or heating.

AnimaNaturalis has made all of the audio-visual material available to Seprona (Guardia Civil) and claims that the facts described may constitute the crime of animal abuse in the light of article 337.1 of the Penal Code.

“This practice is contrary to current legislation. The Animal Protection Law of Madrid requires adequate hygienic and sanitary conditions, as well as sufficient space in relation to the animals housed, to allow them sufficient exercise, according to their specific needs,” explained Cristina Ibáñez, head of the legal department of AnimaNaturalis.

Thank you for taking the time to read this news article “Pet shop in Madrid denounced to Seprona for possible crime of animal abuse”.

Written by

John Smith

Married to Ophelia in Gibraltar in 1978, John has spent much of his life travelling on security print and minting business and visited every continent except Antarctica. Having retired several years ago, the couple moved to their house in Estepona and John became a regular news writer for the EWN Media Group taking particular interest in Finance, Gibraltar and Costa del Sol Social Scene. Currently he is acting as Editorial Consultant for the paper helping to shape its future development. Share your story with us by emailing, by calling +34 951 38 61 61 or by messaging our Facebook page
