One in 10 pets will develop a tumour in their lifetime « Euro Weekly News

One in 10 pets will develop a tumour in their lifetime

Performing MRI in the Centro Veterinario de Diagnóstico por Imagen de Levante.

Performing MRI in the Centro Veterinario de Diagnóstico por Imagen de Levante.

Cancer is one of the biggest concerns for dog and cat owners. It is the leading cause of death in geriatric animals. For this reason, owners and veterinarians have been becoming aware of the need to provide special care for their pets. There have been great advances in veterinary medicine and surgery, especially in the field of cancer treatment.

The most important is its early diagnosis. The checkup that is carried out on your pet every year should be more exhaustive from six years of age.

Any patient suspected of having a malignant process should be thoroughly investigated by the veterinary team.

This information will help us to know which treatment to use and will inform us of the prognosis, time and cost necessary for the treatment.

We can only establish a complete therapeutic protocol and with probability of success if we have information on the extent of the process. This way we can answer the pet owner’s questions about the prognosis and quality of life.

Specific laboratory tests, ultrasound, endoscopy, CT or MRI may be necessary.

Costablanca Sur:
Centro Veterinario de Diagnóstico por Imagen de Levante
C/Los Arcos 23, Ciudad Quesada Rojales. Tel: +34 609 779 109

Costablanca Norte:
Anicura Marina Baixa Hospital Veterinario 

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Euro Weekly News Media

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