Sweet irony

Worth a try

One of the dilemmas in these days of our glorious woke society is how we are able to describe ourselves without actually offending someone!
I can’t declare I’m a male in case it distresses the Trans-genders. I can’t state I’m able bodied for fear of upsetting those not so fortunate. I can’t say I’m elderly, as I could be accused of insulting other elderly people!
And I most certainly can’t proclaim I’m white, as I would undoubtedly be labelled a racist!
‘Neopronouns’ don’t help. The idea of referring to myself as an ‘it’ ’fayer’ ‘ey’ or ‘them’ is so ridiculous I’m convinced that colleagues would probably consider bundling me off to the nearest institution – assuming they knew who I was of course! Did you ever hear such a load of old cobblers in your life?
People, or probably ‘persons,’ actually sit around discussing these matters, and are no doubt being paid handsomely for it.
Why can’t I find a job like that? Is anyone who reads this column employed in these areas? Probably not.
Just for once, wouldn’t it be nice to witness some of these shadowy wokers publicly interrogated, even if it were merely to explain to us how they reach some of their asinine directives.
Unfortunately that will never happen, purely because any open discussion of that ilk would undoubtedly lead to accusations of racism or some bigotry or another.
At a recent function I sat opposite a lady from the UK who was visiting Mallorca. She reads the EWN online and told me that people in Britain have actually become afraid to openly discuss problems that are considered non-PC.
She also revealed that a number of her normally moderate friends were not at all happy with the situation.
It appears the media’s almost fanatical endeavours to hoodwink and gaslight the British public is not actually working at all – it is in fact having the reverse effect. By insulting the intelligence of the majority and suppressing the airing of their views and opinions under the Damocles sword of possible legal action or accusations of bigotry, they are creating a culture of simmering frustration which is actually obstructing diversity.
This extremely eloquent and well educated lady praised the efforts of the EWN in its promotion of the freedom of speech and wished they were ‘allowed to do the same’! How sad – and how alarming is that?
I don’t of course know at the time of writing the outcome of the Downing Street ‘party’ affair. However, I couldn’t help a chuckle on hearing that the Police Investigation the lefties were initially salivating over, could in fact actually prevent the publishing of the Sue Gray report Labour and its media cronies have been harping on about for weeks. Oh the sweet irony of it all!
Keep the faith
Love Leapy
expatradioscotland. Mondays and Fridays 1pm till 4.

Leapy Lee’s opinions are his own and are not necessarily representative of those of the publishers, advertisers or sponsors.

Written by

Leapy Lee

Like Marmite, you either love Leapy or hate him. His controversial views and long-standing column make him one of the Euro Weekly News´ most-read columnists.


    • Gavin MacMillan

      11 February 2022 • 16:07

      “Did you ever hear such a load of old cobblers in your life?” – Not until you made that nonsense up.
      Sorry, Leapy – but your anti-“lefty”/anti-“woke” leanings are turning you into a caricature of the joke you already were

    • Paul Chaloner

      14 March 2022 • 12:41

      The ramblings continue. Your list of ‘you can’t say that’ is absurd at best. It’s also odd that the person who said you can’t have a discussion on such matters anymore is doing just that. In fact, all you do discuss is racism, sexism, discrimination, and trans issues. So much for you and your friends not being able or allowed to discuss such matters. Your defence of persuing habitual lawbreaker, Boris Johnson as some kind of lefty conspiracy is hilarious. You condone law-breaking now do you? seems a tad hypocritical to me.

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