Cudeca Foundation Benalmadena inaugurated the Yusuf Hamied Centre

Dr Hamied opened the new centre named after him

Dr Hamied opened the new centre named after him Credit: Cudeca Foundation

THE Cudeca Foundation Benalmadena inaugurated the Yusuf Hamied Centre, the headquarters of the Cudeca Institute for Studies and Research in Palliative Care on Wednesday 20 April.

The   main   objective   of   this   centre   is   to   train   social   and   healthcare   professionals   at   all professional levels to improve the quality of care in palliative care, as well as to develop innovative models of intervention and research.

The Centre will thus fulfil two objectives: to train future specialists in Palliative Care through teaching, research and awareness-raising, and to finance part of Cudeca’s healthcare work as a complementary source of income, which will help to cope with the increase in the number of patients treated

Dr. Yusuf Hamied, patron of the project attended, alongside various dignitaries including the Mayor of Benalmadena Victor Navas who thanked Dr. Yusuf Hamied for his generosity and commitment in making all of this possible.

“Benalmadena is once again at the forefront of palliative care with this new centre, in which the Cudeca Foundation will contribute its valuable experience to improve the quality of palliative care, while developing innovative models of intervention and research,” said the mayor

Adding “Cudeca’s work cannot have a nobler and higher purpose: to provide dignity and time to people in a very difficult moment of life, helping families to offer support and support to people who are in those last stages. of a disease as terrible as cancer”.

“My personal association with palliative care began 30 years ago in India, just when Joan Hunt began her work with Cudeca”, observed Dr. Yusuf Hamied, who promoted the first free palliative care unit in India in 1997.

“This is the first centre of its kind, dedicated to training and research in palliative care, not only in Spain, but probably in all of Europe, which is why Benalmadena and Andalucia should be proud of the prestige it will bring”, the doctor pointed out.

Remembering his friend, he also said “Although unfortunately the founder of Cudeca, Joan Hunt, is no longer with us, her aura and spirit will always be present in this institute.”

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