Comedian Kevin Hart receives $100M investment for new comedy company « Euro Weekly News

Comedian Kevin Hart receives $100M investment for new comedy company

Comedian Kevin Hart receives $100M investment for new comedy company Credit: Instagram @kevinhart4real

Comedian Kevin Hart has announced that he has received a $100M investment for his new comedy company.

In a post on Instagram, Comedian Kevin Hart shared a screenshot of a NY times article entitled: “Kevin Hart’s Media Company Sells $100 Million Stake to Private Equity”
The caption the famous comedian wrote was as follows: “Just a kid from Philadelphia Pa… I can’t believe it.  After 10 years of hustling #HartbeatProductions and @lolnetwork are officially one company! Welcome to @therealhartbeat. Stay tuned, people! Big things are coming, and we’re #JustGettingStarted #Hartbeat …..I am so proud of my team and all of their hardwork….none of this happens without you guys!!!!!! Thank you @nytimes”
Kevin Hart also took to Twitter to share the article posting:

Credit: Twitter @KevinHart4real

Comedian Kevin Hart’s new $100M dollar investment will fund a merger company named Hartbeat, which combines two of his former companies, Hartbeat Productions and Laugh Out Loud. The latter of the two is known for its web series and podcasts with shows such as “Olympic Highlights with Kevin Hart & Snoop Dogg” with shows from Heartbeat Productions including “Dave” and “Night School”

Private equity firm Abry Partners is behind the investment, and in exchange will receive a minority stake and two seats on Hartbeat’s board. Kevin hart’s company is reportedly valued at roughly $650 million but there has been no official confirmation on this figure.

42-year-old Kevin Hart was born 6, July, 1979 and was raised in Philadelphia, starting his career as a comedian after winning multiple amateur comedy competitions.

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Written by

Joshua Manning

Originally from the UK, Joshua is based on the Costa Blanca and is a web reporter for the Euro Weekly News covering international and Spanish national news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at
