Teulada Town Council allocates grants for restoration of facades in the old town « Euro Weekly News

Teulada Town Council allocates grants for restoration of facades in the old town

Teulada Town Council allocated grants for restoration of facades in the old town

Chiesa Vergine de Carmine Teulada - Image cc/efisi

The Teulada Town Council has allocated €20,000 in grants for the restoration of the facades of buildings in the historic town centre.

The grants, which were announced on Wednesday, July 13 will be available to help beautify, restore and improve the façades of buildings and houses that meet the requirements and which are located within the area known as “Walled Gothic Teulada”.

These buildings are considered Assets of Cultural Interest (BIC) and will be eligible for a grant up to a maximum of €2,000 per property. The council have said that if demand exceeds the overall limit set, they will look to increase the initial allocation.

Details of the grant are available on the Council’s website as are all the terms and conditions.

Councillor for the Treasury, Verónica Martínez, said: “This is yet another initiative, as was the case with the €1 licences, the aim of all of them being to improve, preserve and protect our historic quarter.

“In addition, we must remember that we already have a 100 per cent discount on the ICIO (tax on constructions, installations and works), which also means savings when it comes to paying the corresponding taxes in the area of the historic centre.”

In making grants available for the restoration of facades in the old town, the council acknowledged the views of residents who value the historic old town in Teulada

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Peter McLaren-Kennedy

Originally from South Africa, Peter is based on the Costa Blanca and is a web reporter for the Euro Weekly News covering international and Spanish national news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at editorial@euroweeklynews.com.
