Call for volunteers for Elche river conservation project this October « Euro Weekly News

Call for volunteers for Elche river conservation project this October

Local conservation organisations are calling volunteers for a river conservation project.

Volunteers in Elche are invited to a river conservation session on 2nd of October. The session is being held by Elche Town Council along with local conservation organisations, the Limne Foundation.

The session is part of an annual conservation effort which sees volunteers clean up eco-systems and collect data on rivers in the Valencian community. Local mayor, Esther Díaz encouraged local people to get involved with the conservation of their local eco-system.

The session on 2nd of October will be held at the Vinalopó River, where volunteers will investigate the quality of water in the river eco-system as well as water and rock chemical composition. The session will begin at 10.30am and last approximately two hours.

The session is part of the ‘Proyecto Ríos’ project which combines community efforts with scientific research to bring local people closer to their natural river ecosystems. The project has been running in the area since 2005.

Locals interested in volunteering need to register by email at: or by phone call to: 654 07 65 33.
