European dairy farmers to receive bonuses for sustainability practices from Arla dairy cooperative « Euro Weekly News

European dairy farmers to receive bonuses for sustainability practices from Arla dairy cooperative

European dairy farmers belonging to Arla can now rack up bonuses for sustainability practices

European dairy cooperative, Arla, announced payment bonuses for farmers that comply with its new sustainability targets on milk production.

More than 8900 members of the cooperative will be eligible for bonuses of €0.003 per kilogram of milk produced in a sustainable way. Farmers produce around 1.2 million tonnes of milk per year. Farmers can meet targets by using sustainable animal feed and renewable energy among other criteria announced in Arla’s ‘sustainability initiative’.

The programme aims to help the dairy cooperative reach its targets of net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and reducing emissions on farms by 30 per cent per kilogram of milk produced.

Announcing the initiative, Arla’s chair, Jan Toft Nørgaard, said “The milk price Arla farmers will receive for their milk will not only depend on fat, protein and quality, it will also depend on their activities on sustainability”.

This adds to Arla’s growing list of sustainability measures in recent years, including bonuses for farmers who submit climate data and providing guidance on how to reduce carbon footprint.

The move represents a step towards sustainability being a focus of Europe’s food and agriculture industries.


    • Naimah Yianni

      07 October 2022 • 13:05

      The whole carbon initiative is a con, as is the issue about cows farting and producing methane. the earth balances itself if we have even a very small drop in carbon dioxide then are all dead, as is the whole of the earth´s ecosystem….. funny how these climate experts never discuss this. Same as they never discuss the fact that on the whole, the earth is cooling and that more people die each year from the cold than die from excess heat. Look up Agenda 30 and the plan that it lays outand it´s quite clear what is going on. Stop brainwashing school children about the climate, they are being fed lies, lies and more lies.

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