Doggy dental care: How to keep your furry friend’s canines in top condition

Brushing your dog’s teeth at least once a week helps to keep those canines in top condition!

CARING for your dog means thinking about all aspects of its health, including teeth. Dogs often eat hard, crunchy foods and maintaining great dental health helps to prevent painful conditions and keep that tail wagging!

  1. Teeth brushing

It might sound silly but just like humans, dogs need regular teeth cleaning to keep them strong and healthy. Dogs don’t need daily tooth brushing but as often as possible is recommended. Use a specially developed dog toothpaste and your dog will love having its teeth brushed.

  1. Dental dog treats

You can give your dog chewable treats to reduce plaque and tartar build up on the surface of its teeth.

  1. Professional cleaning

Taking your dog for teeth cleaning once a year can help your vet to catch any issues and keep your dog smiling.
