The boy’s infant team includes Mario Lozano, Angel Minguez, Oscar Pantoja and Miguel Lozano who defeated Valencia by 4-0 and they will meet Las Vegas of Valencia in the semi-final. In the group stage, the team of veterans, aged 50 plus, in the second division, with players Fernando Belmar, Antonio Riera, Jose Luis Moreno, Francisco Sanchez and Juan Ramon Gomez beat Tennis Club Lliria With this solid victory, the teams get the best possible start in the competition. Congratulations to the teams and good luck! For more information on the Torrevieja Tennis Club head to Avda Tomás Martinez Domenech s/n, Los Balcones Urb., 03186 Torrevieja (Alicante), or call (+34) 96 672 21 67 or (+34) 695 942 533.