Andalucia to launch its first nanosatellite by the end of 2023

Andalucia to launch its first nanosatellite by the end of 2023

Andalucia to launch its first nanosatellite by the end of 2023

Image of the Open Cosmos team. Credit: Twitter@Open_Cosmos

By the end of 2023, Andalucia plans to launch its first nanosatellite into space.

Andalucia is preparing to launch its first nanosatellite into space by the end of 2023. By collecting data, the satellite aims to quantify the impact of agricultural, livestock and fishing activities on biodiversity, in the context of combating climate change.

Malaga was chosen as the location to present this project on Wednesday, February 22. The satellite has passed the design phase and is entering the testing phase: “At the end of the year it will be launched,” said Rafel Jorda, CEO of Open Cosmos in a statement.

Open Cosmos is the company that has designed and is producing the first Andalucian nanosatellite. It was commissioned by the Andalucian Agency for Agrarian and Fisheries Management (AGAPA), of the Junta de Andalucia within the framework of the SmartFood project.

The project was co-financed by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), with a budget of almost €1 million.

This is a milestone, which will complement the capture of information carried out through the deployment of near and remote sensors. It will also benefit from the use of images from other satellites already in orbit: “We are facing a pioneering project of great scope led in Andalusia”, announced Jose Carlos Alvarez, the managing director of AGAPA.

He added: “The launch of this terrestrial observation nanosatellite represents a key milestone for the future and sustainability of our agriculture and fisheries”.

The new satellite is similar to MENUT, a 6U EO nanosatellite which Open Cosmos launched earlier this year. This latest nanosatellite will weigh about 10 kilos, and measure 35cm x 10cm x 20 cm. It will have double and single deployable panels along with different antennas that will be used to communicate with the ground.

Its functions will be twofold. The first is to take images of certain deforestation factors through a special camera: “Providing information on the deterioration of coasts, ecosystems, etc”, explained Jorda.

On the other hand, it has the ability to collect data from sensors: “Humidity, biodiversity, and water quality data. With this data, Agapa will be able to develop more personal solutions”, he added.

The CEO of Open Cosmos confirmed that the satellite will be launched this year and will provide data for the beginning of next year: “Its field of work will be at an international level, although data from Andalucia will be prioritised,” the CEO stressed.

“It will have a life of around three years, they normally remain in these orbits for around three years”, added Jorda. It is not yet known what the satellite will be called, but Jorda anticipated that “something special is going to be done with respect to the name”.


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Written by

Chris King

Originally from Wales, Chris spent years on the Costa del Sol before moving to the Algarve where he is a web reporter for The Euro Weekly News covering international and Spanish national news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at
