By Betty Henderson • Published: 08 Mar 2023 • 15:30 • 1 minute read
The Mayor of Fuengirola, Ana Mula studies a map as part of the city’s new Housing Access Plan to provide affordable housing to all Photo credit: Ayuntamiento de Fuengirola
FUENGIROLA took a huge step towards ensuring affordable housing for its residents with a Housing Access Plan. The City Council announced its plan on Tuesday, March 7 which will create measures to support people facing economic barriers to affordable housing.
Through the Housing Access Plan, the council aims to identify the community’s housing needs and find suitable sites for new developments. The plan will also allow authorities to strategise new ways to address the demand for affordable housing and provide sustainable options that will protect the local environment.
Announcing the scheme, local Mayor, Ana Mula, explained that the city’s exceptional quality of life has made it a top international tourist destination and popular location for second homes, which has led to a surge in property value of more than 20 per cent.
Unfortunately, this has made it challenging for some people to find suitable housing, which has prompted the council to introduce the plan.
To address the issue, the council has already built 17 homes on Calle Salvador Rodríguez Navas and is currently constructing another development in Los Pacos to help local residents and families to find affordable housing.
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