Hiking hotspot: Almería offers hiking programme to get residents outdoors « Euro Weekly News

Hiking hotspot: Almería offers hiking programme to get residents outdoors

AFTER two successful hiking trips on the Circular Sierra de Gádor Dalías and the Loma del Perro on Sunday, March 19, the Diputación de Almería’s popular Senderismo hiking programme is back!

The event, which offers a total of 17 hikes over the course of the next year, aims to get residents in Almería into the countryside, to discover more of their local area while keeping fit and healthy.

The rest of the hikes for the spring and summer season include:

High difficulty:

Sunday, April 9- Ruta de La Minería (Bedar)

Sunday, May 14- Los Molinos y Las Fuentes (Abla)

Sunday, September 24- Las Encinas Milenarias (Serón)

Beginner/ family hikes:

Sunday, April 9- Senda de Monterrey (Laujar)

Sunday, May 14- Pinar de la Alfahaura (María)

Saturday, July 15- La Mena- Macenas (Mojácar)

Saturday, August 12– Sendero Los Genoveses (San José)

Sunday, September 24- Río Molinos (Bayarcal)

More information about each of the hikes, including how to register, is available online at: https://www.dipalme.org/Servicios/cmsdipro/index.nsf/fiestas_view_actividad.xsp?p=dipalme&actividad=Actividades+Aire+Libre
