We are what we eat - and what we think

We are what we eat – and what we think

We are what we eat - and what we think

Physically we are literally what we eat, and mentally we become what we think. Photo Credits: wecareonlineclasses

Physically we are literally what we eat, and mentally we become what we think.

Our bodies are composed of what we eat – the fuel necessary to keep us alive. When eaten, an apple or a carrot is “miraculously” converted into a living part of our body. As every kind of plant, fruit or vegetable has a different composition of minerals, vitamins, proteins and energy, each has a different role to play. Nature provides the necessary nutrition for all of us and for every living creature. Each food can prevent or heal specific ailments to our vital organs in all their variety – in association with the mind.

The nutritional composition of our food and drink determines the quality of our immune system, the cells in our organs, bones and blood, and thus the health of our bodies. The developing embryo depends on the food consumed by the mother, as does the resulting baby on her milk.

Then it is up to us. Is our food free of chemicals, artificial additives and pollution? Have the fruit and vegetables been sprayed with insecticide or herbicide? Has the fish been farmed or is it from a polluted river or sea? Is the meat factory farmed?

Naturally, once the apple has delivered the minerals, vitamins, proteins etc into the cells through the digestive system, its waste will be eliminated (evacuated) and replenishments (perhaps a potato, a kipper or another apple) will be ingested in order to continue the cycle. The composition of the body changes accordingly, as it does unceasingly throughout life. Our eyes and liver, the skin on our throat and the joints in our knees are not the same as they were a month ago.

“As a man thinks, so is he” (Proverbs 23/6). This means that who we are essentially is determined by our thinking – and it is why we potentially have so much control over mind and body – over mental and physical health. In most parts of the world, we choose what we eat and what we think.

The way we think is the way we feel and is therefore the way we are. If our minds are cluttered with negative thoughts, depending on the nature of those thoughts, we feel unhappy, worried, afraid, angry or jealous. If we think positively, we become happy, optimistic, confident, relaxed or generous.

This is why our bodies can be controlled by the mind. There are numerous cases of illnesses diagnosed by the medical profession that have been cured not by medicine or surgery but by the mind.

We have witnessed a few cases personally. A life-threatening breast tumour mysteriously disappeared without further trace, baffling the oncologists who had proposed treatment.

The mind must, of course, believe the condition will be cured and preferably visualise that it has already been cured.

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