Costa Calida: Turtle territory « Euro Weekly News

Costa Calida: Turtle territory

Celebrating conservation success Image: Cartagena City Hall

THIRTY loggerhead turtles were released on Isla Plana beach recently. The event, attended by the Mayor of Cartagena Noelia Arroyo, Regional President Fernando López Miras, and Regional Minister of Environment Juan María Vázquez, marked a milestone in wildlife preservation efforts by the Murcia Region Government. Members of the Prometeo Association for people with disabilities also joined.

Murcia Region’s ‘Territorio Tortuga’ Program Receives Praise

Mayor Noelia Arroyo praised Murcia‘s commitment to conservation through the ‘Territorio Tortuga’ (Turtle Territory) program. Recent sightings of loggerhead tracks on Las Amoladeras beach in Cabo de Palos prompted immediate action. A Cartagena City biologist, following regional protocols, investigated and reinforced protection measures for this threatened species.

Celebrating conservation success Image: Cartagena City Hall

Successful Incubation of Loggerhead Eggs at Calblanque Beach

The released turtles, averaging one kilo each, originated from a nest discovered a year ago, thanks to local collaboration and the ADELA group. Eggs were relocated to Calblanque Beach for safe incubation, resulting in 51 hatchlings. Each released turtle is tagged with a subcutaneous microchip for behavioural research.

Residents are urged to report loggerhead sightings to emergency services promptly, as the species is classified as ‘vulnerable’. Future releases of the remaining 21 turtles are planned.

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Written by

Catherine McGeer

I am an Irish writer who has been living in Spain for the past twenty years. My writing centers around the Costa Cálida. As a mother I also write about family life on the coast of Spain and every now and then I try to break down the world of Spanish politics!
