By Anna Akopyan • Updated: 24 Jul 2024 • 9:09 • 1 minute read
Bee on a flower Credit: Pixabay, Pexels
While your first thought when seeing a wasp may be to kill it, in Germany, any violation of insects could lead to fines ranging from €5,000 to €50,000.
Under Germany´s Federal Nature Conservation Act, it is prohibited to harm or kill specially protected animals and insects; bees and wasps included.
A fine of up to €50,000 can be issued for catching, injuring or killing the insects, as well as for destroying their reproduction or resting places, “without reasonable cause.”
The removal of wasp nests can only be done with a permit; if you discover a wasp nest in your home in Germany, it is advised to contact a pest control service. Experts, as beekeepers, are then in charge of evaluating the wasp nests and relocating them if necessary.
A German lawyer specialising in animal law, Andreas Ackenheil, spoke to Euronews, explaining that the fine, although in place, is rarely enforced and is intended as a deterrence measure.
Ackenheil also shared that if there is “immediate danger” to people, pets or allergy sufferers, the harming or killing of the bees is justified. He mentioned that other ways of dealing with wasps can be by putting a plate of sweets nearby to distract them.
Moreover, Ackenheil noted that wasps are not nearly as dangerous as people think; only two out of around 10,000 species are actually harmful to humans, and normally aren´t found in populated areas.
The government´s decision to place the fines was prompted by the fact that killing insects has far-reaching consequences on humans and preserving insects allows us to protect biodiversity.
Through pollination of the food crops, including a vast majority of fruits, vegetables and seeds start growing; products essential in our food system. Without bees, pollination would not occur and killing them would result in a decline in the human food base; harm which is unreasonable and unnecessary.
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From Moscow to Costa Blanca, Anna has spent over 10 years in Spain and one year in Berlin, where she worked as an actress and singer. Covering European news, Anna´s biggest passions are writing and travelling.
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