It’s your turn Stevie Spit « Euro Weekly News

It’s your turn Stevie Spit

Stevie S;pit is being supported by the local community as he battles cancer

It’s your turn now Stevie Spit Credit: Audrey O’Gorman

It’s almost impossible to look at social media at the moment without seeing something related to Stevie Spit and how the community has come together to support him during his battle with cancer.

If ever there was a man deserving of the support of the Costa Blanca, it is this one. He is so many things to so many people, but above all else, he is a giver—of his time, his creativity, and his laughter.

Throughout the years, he has aided countless charities and individual deserving causes. Among those is my own charity, Samaritans in Spain, of which he is the Patron.

While we are all somewhat in disbelief at Stevie’s serious health condition, the emotions associated with that have been put to one side to focus attention where it is needed most—on aiding Stevie.

The whole community is supporting Steve Spit

Eileen Gleave, Audrey O’Gorman, and the rest of the organising committee have been overwhelmed by the responses they have received,  both to the Gofundme page and the upcoming benefit gala.  So many have come forward to make the gala an event to remember.

Whether offering prizes for the raffle and auction, lending their voices to entertain, running an auction, offering to help out on the day collecting donations, sharing posts on social media to raise awareness, donating via the Gofundme page or advertising on their local radio stations, the list is endless.

As Audrey O’Gorman said, “I’m lost for words to capture the public’s response to this appeal. The lives that Stevie has touched over the years are phenomenal, and the one thing that everyone is saying is, ‘Stevie, it’s your turn now; let us help you in your time of need’”

Gofundme page and collections at Plaza to support Stevie Spit

Aside from the Gala and the Gofundme page, the President of the Plaza has said that he is more than happy for collection buckets to be passed around at the next music event on the big stage.

To take full advantage of this opportunity, lots of volunteers will be needed, so if you have the time to spare, please give it to Stevie by contacting Audrey on WhatsApp 711 066 651.

Several other events are taking place at De Barra’s Irish Bar El Galan, so be sure to Like their Facebook page to stay up-to-date with what has been arranged. Likewise, keep checking for new posts related to Stevie’s appeal, sharing them, and spreading the word.

Big Gala in August in support of Stevie Spit

Now to the big gala, and for those who haven’t been paying attention (where have you been?), it will take place on Wednesday, August 28, at the De Barra Irish Bar El Galan.

Lucinda O’Connell will be hosting this extravaganza of a fundraiser, which includes a barbecue, two stages with live music, and lots of opportunities to dig deep and donate.

Let’s do Stevie proud.

Written by

Donna Williams

Marketer, copywriter, storyteller and President of Samaritans in Spain. They say variety is the spice of life and I am definitely loving life!
