Malaga 2nd most heat related deaths « Euro Weekly News

Malaga: second most heat-related deaths in Spain

Figures show that heat related mortality is 2nd highest in country.

Figures show that heat related mortality is 2nd highest in country. Credit: Freepik

Experts warn to take care of vulnerable during heat wave as figures show Malaga is the second region after Madrid in heat-related mortality.

Málaga is the second province in Spain to suffer the most deaths caused by extreme Summer heat. 42 deaths were revealed by a recent study in Malaga to have been attributable to the heat between June and July of this year, only surpassed by Madrid. Scientists in Malaga warn that the temperature may rise by an average of 2ºC in August with more days reaching a stifling 42ºC.

Impossible to sleep in 34º

While not yet reaching the same staggering temperatures of July last year, Malaga is experiencing one of its hottest Summers on record, and this is taking its toll on the wellbeing of people in the region, not least in sleep patterns which are disturbed significantly when nighttime temperatures remain as high as 34º.

With regards to the statistics, the cause if death in these situations is not recorded as being directly due to the heat, but the temperature plays a key role in other conditions that wouldn’t have been so severe were the temperatures lower, such as heart problems and respiratory illnesses in which intense heat can be an aggravating factor.

Take care of vulnerable

Experts warn to take precautions, especially those at greater risk, including the elderly, pregnant women, or those with certain pathologies. Diseases that can be worsened by extreme temperatures include heart-related illnesses, kidney disorders, obesity, those who suffer from hypertension, cancer, dementia and as well those addicted to alcohol or drugs.

Written by

Adam Woodward

Passionate about music, food and the arts. After being completely immersed in the Spanish way of life for 25 years, I now share my knowhow and experience with you.
