Missing man, Miguel Martinez, has been found « Euro Weekly News

Missing man from Huercal-Overa, Miguel Martinez, has been found

Miguel Martinez, from Huercal-Overa, has been found after the social media post Credit: Instagram

For nearly two weeks, nothing was known about the whereabouts of a young man from Huercal, Miguel Martinez.

Miguel Martinez was reported missing twelve days ago after his mother had not heard anything from or about the young man.

Miguel Martinez’s family called on social media to help find him

In response, his family took to social media to make an appeal and ask for the public’s collaboration to find him. 

In the post, Miguel’s mother asked everyone to “Please spread the photo of my son, he has been missing for many days. If anyone has seen him or knows about him, please contact me.”

Miguel contacted his brother after the social media post

Hours after his family posted the image of him on social media explaining his disappearance, a phone call cleared all fears. 

At roughly 9 pm, on Friday, August 9, Miguel called his brother to tell him that he was fine, but that he did not plan to return home, “at least for the moment”, his mother stated. 

Miguel’s mother feels calmer knowing “nothing bad” happened

Miguel’s mother, once frightened, now says she and her family are calmer after knowing that “nothing bad” has happened to her son.

After nine days of knowing nothing and not hearing anything, the mother took to social media for help, before eventually reporting it to the Guardia Civil.

Thankfully, it ended as just a scare and nothing more serious, “For personal reasons he does not want to return, but at least we know that he is alive and well”, the mother told La Voz Almeria.

Written by

Harry Sinclair

Originally from the UK, Harry Sinclair is a journalist and freelance writer based in Almeria covering local stories and international news, with a keen interest in arts and culture. If you have a news story please feel free to get in touch at editorial@euroweeklynews.com.
