Influencer leaves her underwear in Mercadona « Euro Weekly News

British influencer leaves her underwear in Mercadona´s bread section; social media gone wrong

Chloe Lopez, British influencer in Spain

Chloe Lopez on Instagram Credit: Chloe Lopez, Instagram

British influencer leaves her underwear in Mercadona

The British influencer Chloe Lopez has become the talk of social media, as she accepted yet another “challenge” of leaving her underwear in public places. This time, the victim was Mercadona´s bread section. You heard that right. The woman was seen on video, slowly pulling off her panties and placing them inside the bread tray in Mercadona, in front of astounded customers.

Lopez shared the strange stunt with her 175,000 followers on Instagram; the video quickly became viral, showing Lopez committing the odd crime and walking away like nothing had happened.

Reactions to influencer leaving her underwear in Mercadona

“I would ban her for life from entering any supermarket, department store, or shopping centre,” commented a social media user. “If Mercadona does not report this and make it public that it looks out for the health of its customers, I will never buy bread at Mercadona again,” said another.

Stunned by Lopez´s action, people highlighted her behaviour as “disgusting,” and an “attack on health.” Some commentators highlighted that Lopez previously posted a video of the same trick done in Mercadona´s prepared dishes section, as well as other stores and gas stations.

“She leaves her underwear everywhere. And she´s British. She comes on holiday to Spain and leaves underwear in a Mercadona,” noted a social media user. Far from showing remorse for her content, the influencer continued to post similar videos and share reactions to her Mercadona act on her Instagram stories.

With increased attention, Lopez aimed to introduce her viewers to her OnlyFans page;  a subscription-based platform where, most commonly, intimate photos and videos are shared to make a profit. As she persists in making similar posts, comments show increased concern for public spaces and call out to authorities to interfere. Meanwhile, Lopez continues to gain swelling attention; the most wrong kind.

Written by

Anna Akopyan

From Moscow to Costa Blanca, Anna has spent over 10 years in Spain and one year in Berlin, where she worked as an actress and singer. Covering European news, Anna´s biggest passions are writing and travelling.


    • Andy McCluskey

      16 August 2024 • 09:08

      Disgusting individual, should be banned from Spain. Attention seeking idiot

    • Ole

      16 August 2024 • 10:49

      She needs to have her head examined, something is definitely rotten in the upstairs department,

    • Naimah

      17 August 2024 • 12:16

      Absolutely gross, chuck her out of the country. Let her go and pimp herself somewhere else

    • RAtalaya

      18 August 2024 • 15:13

      Perhaps some sympathy? Clearly she needs the money for new clothing as the photo shows large holes and various bits falling out. Poor woman…

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