Los Gallardos celebrates 100 years « Euro Weekly News

Los Gallardos celebrates 100 years as an independent municipality

Los Gallardos became an independent municipality in 1924 Credit: Diputacion de Almeria /fb

Los Gallardos celebrated its history and its centurion birthday with speeches and performances from the Gallardero Theatre Group. 

On Saturday, August 10, the Plaza de Miguel Canovas was filled with residents, neighbouring locals, mayors and theatre fans.

Los Gallardos celebrates 100 years with a performance from the Gallardero Theatre Group

In celebration, the Gallardero Theatre group of more than forty people took to the stage to perform the centurion celebration.

The play reflected a historical journey of the most emblematic theatrical performances of the town, following a script written by Antonia Dami Ramirez, the “seed of everything that was brought to the stage”, as stated by the organisers. 

The audience was full of almost 400 spectators, including the daughter of Marina Molina Martin, a teacher in Los Gallardos from 1933 to 1968, and her husband, Don Jose Garcia Angulo, also a prolific teacher in the area. 

Doña Marina was a key part of the history of the theatre group and her memory was respectably celebrated during the event, with many former students greeting her daughter. 

The play performed on Saturday embraced the town’s history, recognising different eras and uniting generations of women, as well as all the various Gallardos theatre groups, turning the plaza into a celebration of history, culture and the people that make them. 

Los Gallardos celebrates 100 years with current and previous mayors

The mayor of Los Gallardos, Maria Gonzalez Martinez, attended the event, alongside former mayors of the town and the subdelegate of the provincial government, Jose Maria Martin Fernandez, who stated “Last night I attended the celebration event in which many neighbours were present, as well as several of their previous mayors and the only mayor so far, my friend Maria Gonzalez Martinez,” adding congratulations: “Congratulations to all the Gallarders!”

The Vice President, Angel Escobar Cespedes, also spoke at the event to emphasise the importance of the Los Gallardos municipality.

Written by

Harry Sinclair

Originally from the UK, Harry Sinclair is a journalist and freelance writer based in Almeria covering local stories and international news, with a keen interest in arts and culture. If you have a news story please feel free to get in touch at editorial@euroweeklynews.com.
