Whale watching with Firmm « Euro Weekly News

Whale watching with Firmm

Photocredit Firmm

The Swiss Foundation Firmm offers from April to early November daily observation tours in Tarifa to observe whales and dolphins in their natural habitat.

The strait offers plenty of food, which is why seven different marine mammals can be found here: The smallest dolphins with their special colouring are the common and striped dolphins. Bottlenose dolphins often come curiously close to the boat, their natural behaviour can by no means be compared to the forced tricks in the dolphinariums. Pilot Whales are hunting at night; they are the ones we see most often here. Orcas come to the strait especially in July and August and join the fishing boats hunting tuna. Sperm whales, in search of the giant squid, are mainly here in spring and autumn.  Fin whales migrate from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic mainly during the summer. Thanks to Firmm’s many years of experience and research, animals are sighted on 99% of the trips.

In several languages, guests learn interesting facts about whales and dolphins and the Strait of Gibraltar in a half-hour presentation. Firmm approaches the animals in a respectful way to avoid disturbing them. The proximity to the animals makes you realise how important it is to protect the habitat of these marine mammals.

www.firmm.org / mail@firmm.org / Tel: 956 627 008 – 619 459 441


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