Virgin of the Assumption: La Villajoyosa « Euro Weekly News

Virgin of the Assumption: La Villajoyosa

Virgin of the Assumption La Villajoyosa 2024

Virgin of the Assumption image paraded through the streets Credit:

From August 15 to 18, La Villajoyosa was awash with festivities in honour of the Virgin of the Assumption.

The first day began with a traditional and beautiful mass held in the park adjacent to the Hermitage, where the Virgin’s image resides.

The service, a testament to the community’s unity, was graced by the presence of residents and members of the municipal corporation, with Mayor Marcos Zaragoza leading the proceedings. The day continued with a jubilant procession as the residents of El Paradis paraded through the streets, carrying the image of the Virgin of the Assumption.

Virgin of the Assumption festivities included a lively costume party

The festivities continued on the following day, offering a diverse range of activities for people of all ages to partake in. From popular games to karaoke, a lively costume party, and music from a resident DJ, there was something for everyone to enjoy.

Then, on Saturday, August 17, taking centre stage and helping to combat the scorching temperatures, water attractions and a water cistern provided the fun, along with a face-painting workshop for the kids. A band and a DJ provided more live music as the party atmosphere continued into the early hours.

On Sunday, a delicious paella and an exhilarating foam party brought the celebrations to a close and, no doubt, a well-earned rest for the residents of Villajoyosa.

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Written by

Donna Williams

Marketer, copywriter, storyteller and President of Samaritans in Spain. They say variety is the spice of life and I am definitely loving life!
