Drunk driver six times over the limit « Euro Weekly News

Truck driver caught under the influence: Six times over the limit

The Guardia Civil caught a drunk driver six times over the limit Credit: Shutterstock

A truck driver cruising on the A-7 was pulled over for suspicious driving, only to be caught doing something much worse. 

Guardia Civil specialising in Transport from the Traffic Subsector of Almeria, spotted a truck driving abnormally, zigzagging across both lanes on the A-7, around Kilometre 786.

After pulling the truck over, the usual process was carried out and the driver was subjected to the alcohol detection test. 

Shockingly, the test showed a rate of 0.93 mg/l, which is six times higher than the maximum rate established for professional drivers, causing impaired vision, hearing speech and motor skills.

Unfortunately for the driver, he will now face the consequences, as is under investigation for an alleged crime against road safety, for driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, and is facing a three to six-month prison sentence, community service for 31 to 90 days or a hefty fine. 

The trucker will also lose the right to drive motor vehicles and mopeds for a set period, between one and four years.

Written by

Harry Sinclair

Originally from the UK, Harry Sinclair is a journalist and freelance writer based in Almeria covering local stories and international news, with a keen interest in arts and culture. If you have a news story please feel free to get in touch at editorial@euroweeklynews.com.


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