By Donna Leanne Bradley-Brown • Published: 28 Aug 2024 • 15:50 • 1 minute read
Talaiots de Son Fornés, Montuïri, EWN
Last Thursday, August 22, the president of the Council of Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, announced that the Council will be dedicating 600,000 euros to local governments across the island for the purpose of preserving, restoring, and promoting the historical value of archaeological sites across Mallorca.
According to a press release by the Council, the decision was made during a meeting in the archaeological site of S´Illot, in which Galmés liaised with Antònia Roca, the executive vice-president and Counsellor of Culture and Heritage.
Galmés expressed the importance of the protection of Mallorca´s archaeological heritage, explaining that as it is so much `part of [local] culture, […] its conservation and dissemination is our responsibility´. Through the funding of this initiative, Galmés aims to restore and recover archaeological culture and ensure that it is accessible to all.
Talaiots (ancient ruins dating back as far as the Bronze Age) can be found dotted across the landscape in the islands of Mallorca and Menorca, and although some have been carefully examined and explored by experts and converted into protected visitor attractions, many lie untouched and overgrown.
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Originally from the U.K., Donna Bradley-Brown first moved to Mallorca in 2002. She immediately fell in love with the island and knew it was destined to be her home. Donna is particularly passionate about animals, art and the environment. If you have a news story she would love to hear from you at [Photo Credit @caroixyz]
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