Eco campaigners sue Euro Commission « Euro Weekly News

Eco campaigners sue Euro Commission

Campaigners say green certificate misleading.

Campaigners say green certificate misleading. Credit: grandbrothers - Shutterstock

Environmental campaigners are to sue the European Commission claiming their new rules on greener planes are misleading and do not match European targets on emissions.

The new rules imposed by the EC will label some planes as ‘environmentally friendly’ investments, something refuted by environmentalists. NGOs Climate Action Network and the Global Legal Action Network claim that national limits on greenhouse gas emissions for transport and agriculture are unlawful.

The claim being made is that the thresholds set by the EC fail to reach the targets of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5ºC and Europe’s objective of cutting net emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.

Polluting industries receive ‘green’ financing

‘Wealthy and historically big polluters should be moving faster,’ according to the environmentalists. The EC’s limited rules, they argue, give ‘green certificates’ to polluting industries who then receive ‘green finance’ from investors and banks. The European High Court has given the case priority and it is expected to be heard in 2025.

The idea of the EC is to get the aviation industry to invest in newer, so-called ‘green’ planes in the absence of zero-emissions planes. They also give green certificates to shipping companies that use liquid natural gas instead of diesel, while the gas is still a fossil fuel and still produces significant CO2.

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Adam Woodward

Passionate about music, food and the arts. After being completely immersed in the Spanish way of life for 25 years, I now share my knowhow and experience with you.


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