Divorce rates rise among over-65s in Alicante « Euro Weekly News

Silver splits: Divorce rates rise among over-65s in Alicante

Silver splits: Divorce rates rise among over-65s in Alicante.

Silver splits: Divorce rates rise among over-65s in Alicante. Image: PeopleImages.com - Yuri A / Shutterstock.com.

Divorce among individuals over the age of 65 is relatively uncommon.

This is likely due to their more traditional upbringing, which often emphasises the belief that marriage is a lifelong commitment.

In Spain, the average age for couples deciding to end their marriage is around 47.

Controversial Option

In earlier times, especially when divorce was still a new and somewhat controversial option, the idea of splitting up later in life was almost unthinkable.

However, in recent years, there’s been a noticeable rise in the number of “silver divorces,” a term referring to marital dissolutions among those over 60, often associated with the greying of their hair.

Latest Statistics

According to the latest statistics from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Family Courts in the province of Alicante now handle over 400 divorce applications annually, a significant increase from the nearly 200 cases filed a decade ago.

415 divorces were recorded in 2022, rising slightly to 423 in 2023, indicating a steady, if modest, upward trend.

Nationally, it’s estimated that one in ten divorces occurs among people over the age of 65.

Valencian Community

The Valencian Community is the autonomous region with the second highest rate of couple breakups with legal proceedings in progress during the past year, 223.1 per 100,000 inhabitants, surpassed, once again, by the Canary Islands, with a rate of 247.3.

Written by

Anna Ellis

Originally from Derbyshire, UK, Anna has lived in the middle of nowhere on the Costa Blanca for 20 years.


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