Urgent collection of school supplies « Euro Weekly News

Urgent collection of school supplies

Torremolinos encouraging local shopping Credit: m.dipo - Shutterstock

Again this year, the El Vuelo de Las Libélulas association in Benalmádena has launched a School Supplies Collection Campaign to help those families in need cope with the high costs that each start of a new school year entails.

Spain has one of the highest shopping bills in Europe when it comes to buying school supplies, just behind the most expensive, Italy. 

El Vuelo de Las Libélulas looking for public generosity

Through a statement on social media, the association has requested public generosity with providing any help for the children of families in need. Material is desperately needed for both children and adolescents: ‘Children should take their material to school or college without any worry about looking different. We already have many things thanks to our friends at The Pub and Age Concern, but there are many things still needed,’ the association shared on social media.

Likewise, El Vuelo de Las Libélulas has contacted stationery stores that provide charitable aid to include them in the local aid network, as is the case of Papelería Diego. Donations can be made through Bizum (08672) or by directly providing school supplies. For more information, you can contact El Vuelo de las Libélulas through their Facebook page.

Written by

Adam Woodward

Passionate about music, food and the arts. After being completely immersed in the Spanish way of life for 25 years, I now share my knowhow and experience with you.


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