Wide range of options for schooling « Euro Weekly News

Wide range of options for schooling

Wide range of options for schooling - Euro Weekly News

Wide, range, of, options, for, schooling

It’s not an exaggeration to suggest that the majority of readers of Euro Weekly News are not Spanish but are indeed settlers in Spain from across the world.

This means that they read this newspaper because they have a good understanding of the English language and in many cases they will be relatively new arrivals with children who need to be educated.

Wide choice of schools

There is an incredible selection of schools across Spain and the Spanish public education system recognises that wherever possible, running a bilingual school system is beneficial not only to the incomers but also helps local children to learn a second language in some depth.

Private schools offer a very wide range of options which in some cases are country specific, whilst others offer a choice of a Spanish or English curriculum which may be ideal for those who are posted to Spain for a few years.

It has to be remembered however that in so many cases, the decision to move from your country of origin whilst being made with the best of intentions may cause difficulties for children of almost any age.

No matter how well prepared they may appear, the theory and the practice can be quite different things and it is important that parents keep this in mind.

Learn Spanish as a family

One way of softening the blow is for the entire family to work together to learn Spanish, the children will be encouraged by the fact that their parents are clearly committed whilst the parents could even learn a thing or two from their children.

Assimilation and becoming part of the local community can be easier and more successful if you speak Spanish and your Spanish neighbours and potential friends will be pleased to see that you are trying.

There are plenty of excellent Spanish tutors both private and council supported and if you are watching streamed films, have them turned to Spanish but with subtitles in your own language.

Written by

John Smith

Married to Ophelia in Gibraltar in 1978, John has spent much of his life travelling on security print and minting business and visited every continent except Antarctica. Having retired several years ago, the couple moved to their house in Estepona and John became a regular news writer for the EWN Media Group taking particular interest in Finance, Gibraltar and Costa del Sol Social Scene. Currently he is acting as Editorial Consultant for the paper helping to shape its future development. Share your story with us by emailing newsdesk@euroweeklynews.com, by calling +34 951 38 61 61 or by messaging our Facebook page www.facebook.com/EuroWeeklyNews
