Puzzle Solutions Edition 2047

Puzzle Solutions Edition 2047

crossword at newspaper with coffee

crossword at newspaper with coffee


1 Limb; 2 Bill; 3 Lion; 4 Neat; 5 Teak; 6 Kiss; 7 Spiv; 8 Vast; 9 Trio; 10 Oslo; 11 Ogle; 12 East; 13 Tier; 14 Rapt; 15 Tsar; 16 Rani. VENISON


1 River Calder; 2 Cliff Richard; 3 Narcissus; 4 Little Richard; 5 Costa del Sol; 6 Gyles Brandreth; 7 The Atlantic; 8 Nickel; 9 Façade; 10 Nova Scotia.


Across: 1 Sheet anchor; 9 Log; 10 Tradition; 11 Theta; 13 Elapsed; 14 Entomb; 16 Repose; 18 Prelate; 19 Beset; 20 Guileless; 21 Won; 22 Stateliness.
Down: 2 Hug; 3 Extra; 4 Abased; 5 Coinage; 6 Omissions; 7 Clothes pegs; 8 Inadvertent; 12 Extremist; 15 Meanest; 17 Reveal; 19 Basin; 21 Was.


Across: 5 Weak; 7 Collective; 8 Daft; 10 Sage; 12 Ava; 13 Climax; 16 Limbo; 18 Gel; 20 Spar; 21 Rapt; 22 Mat; 24 Cater; 25 Finish; 26 Mar; 27 Pass; 29 Lush; 33 Irrational; 34 Perm.
Down: 1 Low; 2 Flea; 3 Acne; 4 Wig; 5 Wed; 6 Affix; 9 False; 10 Salami; 11 Pig; 13 Couch; 14 Mere; 15 Alarms; 17 Iran; 19 Stern; 23 Tic; 25 Flute; 27 Pity; 28 Shop; 30 Him; 31 Dry; 32 May.


Across: 1 Signs, 4 Saucers, 8 Paredes, 9 Arbol, 10 Respetar, 11 Alga, 13 Result, 15 Fevers, 18 Bend, 19 Regresar, 22 Alive, 23 Cartero, 24 Scandal, 25 Éstos.
Down: 1 Separar, 2 Girls, 3 Suddenly, 4 Sisear, 5 Uvas, 6 Embalse, 7 Selva, 12 Pear tree, 14 Sonrisa, 16 Serious, 17 Pencil, 18 Brass, 20 Sheet, 21 Mend.


cede, cedi, code, deco, dent, dice, diet, dine, dint, done, dote, edit, iced, need, node, teed, tend, tide, tied, toed, cited, coned, dicot, ditto, donee, edict, noted, tined, toned, toted, coined, deceit, decent, denote, detect, detent, docent, encode, netted, tented, tinted, codeine, dinette, enticed, noticed, DETECTION.



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