Andres Rabadan ‘Crossbow Madman’ freed from Prison

A MAN dubbed the ‘crossbow madman’ has been released after 17 years spent in prison for derailing three trains and murdering his dad over a glass of milk.

Andres Rabadan, will remain under the custody of his family in Cataluña.

In 1994, aged 20, he killed his father with four arrows because he didn’t like the glass of milk the man had given him.

He claimed he had shot the first arrow without knowing what he was doing and the others to put his father out of his misery.

Rabadan then took one out, put a pillow on his father’s head and held him for 15 minutes until he died. He then went to the police station by motorbike and handed himself in.

After his arrest, he confessed to the police that he had also caused several trains to derail in the Maresme area of Barcelona.

In 2003, Andrés wrote his first book. ‘Stories from Jail’ was published in Spanish and in Catalan. The 15,000 first printing sold out.
Because of his mental state (he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia) he was declared not guilty.

His sentence also ordered that he had to be confined in a psychiatric penitentiary for twenty years or until he was declared cured of his mental illness.

His sister said he had had a difficult childhood after their mother committed suicide when he was nine and that once he was old enough, his father forced him to work, although he wanted to continue his studies and did so at night.

Then IN 2009 the fictionalised film on the real-life plight of Robadan, The 2 lives of Andres Rabadan, directed by Ventura Durall, was released to critical acclaim. Also in 2009 Rabadan published his graphic novel ‘The 2 lives of Andres Rabadán’ following the movie’s script.
In August next year, he will have spent the maximum time he possibly can in prison, and he now has controlled and programmed releases which have been authorized by Barcelona court.

During the time he has been in prison, he has painted and written books, but in 2004 he was sentenced to three years in prison for his third attempted escape, which he had formerly announced in a letter to some judges.

He married in prison in 2003, and claimed that he was no longer the same man who had killed his father.

In 2007, he was sentenced to another 18 months in prison for having sent an anonymous letter to a nurse at the Quatre Camins Prison where he was being held, threatening to rape her.

 By Jennifer Leighfield

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Euro Weekly News Media

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