Author: Cathy Elelman

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Cathy Elelman is the local writer for the Costa de Almeria edition of the Euro Weekly News.

Based in Mojacar for the last 21 years, Cathy is very much part of the local community and is always well and truly up on all the latest news and events going on in this region of Spain.

Her top goals are to do the best job she can informing the local English-speaking community, visitors to the area and the wider world about about the news in Almeria, to learn something new every day, and to embrace very new challenge this fast-changing world brings her way.

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Firearm thief nicked in Zurgena on Spain’s Costa Almeria

INVESTIGATIONS into the theft of a gun and machetes from a house in Albox have produced results. Guardia Civil have now arrested a 22-year-old from Llanos del Pera in Zurgena for the break-in at a property in Taberno at the end of last year. Extensive investigative work led to MDW as the suspect responsible for […]