Tinnitus is the new covid side effect torturing patients and causing insomnia

New covid side effect torturing patients

New covid side effect torturing patients andriano.cz/Shutterstock.com

Some patients who have overcome covid have now reportedly begun to experience tinnitus, causing sleep disturbances and ruining patient’s quality of life.  

Coronavirus had already been shown to have side effects on the ear with patients warning of episodes similar to otitis during infection. This is a throbbing pain in the middle ear.  

During the pandemic there have been increasing problems and side effects, this unknown side effect of tinnitus has been causing anguish to patients after other covid symptoms have disappeared, according to medical history of patients as reported in Levante.  

The patients have not described tinnitus as painful rather a ringing, a constant ringing in the ear. Or a buzzing, beeping or pulsing, among other noises, that only the affected person hears and not those around them. 

It is a common symptom that can become torture for those who suffer from it. Insomnia, anxiety and even depression can be some of the consequences of this buzz or ringing that no one else hears but that becomes the constant soundtrack for hundreds of people diagnosed with tinnitus. Patients have described the ringing as ruining their quality of life.  

This side effect to covid may be caused by damage to nerve endings, experts agree that not only covid patients but that other viral infections may cause ear related illnesses. Similar to otitis, coronavirus grows in the airways and causes inflammation. The mucous membranes tend to congest and accumulate fluid behind the eardrums. While tinnitus, can damage the sensory cells of the inner ear and alter perception with noise that is not really there. 

For many people, tinnitus improves with treatment of the underlying cause or with treatment that reduces or muffles the noise, making the tinnitus less noticeable. Patients after covid are in a waiting game to see improvements.  

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Written by

Rocio Flores
