Medical staff working in ‘unfit health centre’ in Redovan (Alicante) claims

Medical staff working in 'unfit health centre’ in Redovan (Alicante) claims

REDOVAN: Waiting for a new health centre Photo credit: CC/Santangelino

DOCTORS at Redovan’s health centre warned that it could close unless pressing problems were solved.

The surgeries housed in the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda social centre were inadequate both for the health professionals and patients, declared the UGT union which represents the Orihuela Health District’s medical staff.

Union sources also maintained that they had been complaining about the Redovan centre’s problems for at least three years.  Classed as a Consultorio, the small centre is the responsibility of the town hall which has failed to solve its problems, the union maintained.

An inspection last year by the regional Health department’s Risks and Occupational Safety Service concluded that the Redovan premises lacked space, adequate lighting and sufficient ventilation in some areas and noted that closed and unused municipal offices could provide more space.

“The town hall has provided everything that has been asked,” countered Redovan mayor Nely Ruiz in response to the union’s claims.

She also stated that the town hall asked the regional Health department to build a health centre eight years ago. This has since received a €1.2 million budget allocation and the town hall will provide a 1,000-square metre plot in Avenida Diputacion.

Once the Generalitat gives the go-ahead, the project will be put to the vote in a plenary session before next May’s municipal elections, Ruiz said.

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Written by

Linda Hall

Originally from the UK, Linda is based in Valenca and is a reporter for The Euro Weekly News covering local news. Got a news story you want to share? Then get in touch at
