Almería Beatles fans ‘Come Together’ for annual tribute night

A Beatles Tribute band celebrated the world-renowned Liverpool band’s legacy on Almería at a special Christmas concert

THE spirit of The Beatles lives on in Almería with a magical tribute concert which was held in the city on Wednesday, December 28.

The audience delighted in the expert musical tributes to one of the greatest pop bands in world history, performed by The Beatles Connection. The group’s core members, Chipo Martínez, Pepe Blanes and Antonio Álvarez put their musical skills on show alongside several guest performers.

The two and a half hour concert at the Club del Mar restaurant took the audience on a melodical journey through The Beatles’ iconic repertoire including ‘Help!’, ‘Twist and Shout’, ‘Hey Jude’, and ‘Penny Lane’, as well as a tear-jerking rendition of ‘Yesterday’ performed by guitarist Paco Rivas, singer (and Councillor for Culture!), Diego Cruz, and Ramón García on the keyboard.

The event is held each year at Christmas by the John Lennon Almería Forever association which works to commemorate a fascinating link between the Liverpool-based artist and the city- he stayed in Almería while filming 1967 movie, ‘How I won the War’.
