Viking Street Workout Club reaches new heights in charitable giving with €5,000 for Deaf Association of Axarquía

Members of the Viking Street Workout Club offer a cheque for a staggering €5,000 raised through a charity calendar campaign for the Deaf Association of Axarquía. Photo credit: Asax Vélez-Malaga (via Facebook)

FOR the fifth consecutive year, the Viking Street Workout Club from Torre del Mar has successfully sold 1,000 copies of their popular charity calendar, raising €5,000 euros to support the Deaf Association of Axarquía.

At a ceremony held to deliver the money raised on Monday, February 27, the Deputy Mayor of Torre del Mar, Jesús Pérez Atencia, expressed his admiration for the club’s unwavering commitment to charity, saying “The calendar has become part of Torre del Mar’s DNA. Every year it costs more and more to improve and create original calendars, but they never fail to amaze us, raising more money”

The Viking Street Workout Club has become a fixture in the community, and their annual charity calendar is eagerly anticipated by fans and supporters alike. Manuel Pérez, secretary of the Viking Club, added, “Every year it is more difficult, because new technology means that calendars are less and less popular”.

Francisco Blázquez, President of the Deaf Association of Axarquía expressed his gratitude saying, “Thanks to the Viking WorkOut Club and the local council for their support in improving the future for the local deaf community”.
