Hopping into Easter: American International Club of Marbella hosts delightful Easter luncheon

Guests showed off a variety of Easter bonnet creations at the American International Club's Easter lunch in Marbella. Photo credit: Lucca Movaldi (via email)

THE American International Club of Marbella sprung into the new season with a delightful Easter luncheon on Sunday, April 9. The event was organised by Lucca Movaldi and coordinated by Milagros Hoffenmeir at the beautiful Garum restaurant on the city’s Paseo Marítimo.

Guests were treated to an incredible culinary experience and enjoyed a fun-filled bonnet and hat contest. The competition was a blast, with many creative entries, but the first prizes went to Milagros Hoffenmeir, Sue Seabury, Jo Nelson, & Alfonso Hervás for their incredible creations.

The American International Club of Marbella has been a positive force in the community for years, bringing Americans and international members together for good causes in Marbella and surrounding cities. “We’re thrilled with the turnout”, said Lucca Movaldi, President of the Club. “Our goal is to keep creating amazing events that celebrate diversity and bring people together”.

After the success of their Easter event, members of the club are already eagerly anticipating the next event! For more information about the club and its plans, send an email to: aif2018@hotmail.com
