Spain Set To Finally Ditch Protective Masks In Hospitals And Pharmacies

Image of a woman wearing a facemask.

Image of a woman wearing a facemask. Credit: r.classen/

The world has been taking steps over the last few years to ensure the spread of Covid 19, but the final few precautions could soon be scrapped by the Spanish government.

Since the pandemic, hospitals and pharmacies have been constructed to wear mandatory protective masks when working and in buildings, this is to ensure the spread of Covid and any other variants of the disease are contained and not spread to patients and the wider public.

Spanish health minister, Jose Minones, has called a Council meeting at the end of this month to discuss the possibility of completely removing the need for mandatory mask-wearing in hospitals and all other healthcare buildings.

As things stand, this final and long-standing Covid measure is still in place across several practices including hospitals, care homes for the elderly, chemists, health centres and dental clinics, but not for much longer.

Given how long ago Covid fears appear to be now, it’s fair enough for this to now become an official discussion, with rumours about it happening having been in the pipeline for a long time now, although any such decision will need full approval from health experts.

Spain to remove mandatory mask wearing

The Spanish health minister has previously spoken about the removal of health masks and claimed that any possibility of them no longer being mandatory would be done in a ‘prolonged, definitive or staggered manner’.

If the decision goes the way of abolishing face masks, they will certainly not just be gone from life as people know it because some health workers will believe they do a good job and wish to wear them just to be extra safe.

Masks will be recommended for healthcare workers

Therefore, the Spanish government will likely drop the message down from mandatory to just a recommendation, but the location is that a large number of workers will still decide that’s the best thing to keep themselves, their patients and family safe.

Minones has spoken about the need for face masks and how they are still a useful thing to have on offer in healthcare places of work.

He said: “We could think about the day centres or where our parents, grandparents and elders are if it should be removed there or not.”

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Written by

Aaron Hindhaugh

Qualified and experienced journalist covering all aspects of news and sport. Specialist in both Men's and Women's football with increasing coverage of golf and tennis.


    • Conchi

      22 June 2023 • 00:55

      We should also think about the lifespan of these toxic, unnecessary PPE, that take about 450 years to degrade into micro-plastics, which have already been found in human blood, not forgetting that marine animals have been ingesting all kinds of PPE since the beginning of the crisis caused by the reaction to Covid-19. (Don’t even think about land-fill sites).
      Anyone who has children should be more mindful of the future consequences of PPE, especially face masks, which by the way, can’t stop coal dust, wood smoke, or Covid-19 being aspirated (or breathed-in). The truth is that they DO stop viruses, like many of the cold and flu’s, which are spread by droplets and surface contamination.
      However, would it not be better for future humanity to ban the useless face mask, rather than insist on its use because “it reminds us that we’re in a pandemic”? Surely, it would be better to protect those who are vulnerable to any infection, due to having a compromised immune system, or disease, than creating even more pollution for future generations to try to live with. They will have to deal with a “plastic pandemic” for hundreds of years as it stands right now.
      Time should have been called already, but then there are politicians with careers to consider.

    • Dugmore

      22 June 2023 • 21:11

      I feel that anyone handling food for the public should use a mask. And protective hand covering.

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